Sure, we have problems. BIG PROBLEMS. It's impossible to open your eyes and not see our American Way of Life is threatened with New Speak, New Thought, and the threat of a New World Order that seeks to centralize all power in the hands of a few atheist globalists who will enslave all of humanity under an iron fist ... if we let them!![]() Our traditional American values of self-reliance, hard work, honesty in business, and genuine patriotism that works to promote liberty by working for justice according to the Rule of Law and the principles and practices of due process are still the only protection we have for ourselves and our children. Individual rights are disappearing from our land ... paving the way for One World Government ... if we do nothing. Only if we do nothing! You need positive answers ... not more warnings or insane legal theories that don't work! You and your neighbors need to know how to FIX what's wrong, how to force our leaders to do what's right, how to restore the American Dream for yourselves, your children, and future generations. I have good news for this bad news age! Please read to the end of this Tips & Tactics. Forward it to your friends. And send me an email explaining where you stand ... and if you stand with me! These past few weeks I've waded through an alarming increase of emails complaining about the failing economy, crooked banks, and corrupt government leaders. So, it seemed right for me to remind you again, there is hope for those willing to FIGHT SMART! My in-box is flooded every day (and more of late) by folks I call pseudo patriots who insist the end is near. They may be well-meaning, and the points they make are often valid, but they aren't offering any practical solutions! Complaining about a fox in the henhouse doesn't do a thing for the poor defenseless chickens, yet day-after-day I receive more and more from these well-meaning people who seem to think by pointing their fingers at the problem and urging all their friends to recognize the problem (as if we all didn't see the problems already) that their efforts will somehow magically make the problem go away. 'Tain't so! If you want the fox out of the henhouse, and voting at the polling booth now-and-then doesn't seem to be making much of a change for the better, then it's time to get your pen and start putting ink on paper! Ooops! Did you expect me to suggest violence? Not a chance. That's not what America is all about. We are a people (or, at least, we once were) dedicated to order, due process, and a peaceful resolution to our difficulties. That means ink on paper! Complaining gets us nowhere, unless we complain with a "Complaint" filed at the local courthouse - 'cause that does wonders when it's done properly. If you don't believe me, look at the world around you and see for yourself how much of what we have today (good and bad) resulted from the decisions of courts. The pseudo patriots have only bad news and wacky ideas about how to fix our problems ... ideas that are putting quite a few people behind bars, I might add. I have good news! We live in an age of opportunity such as the world has never seen before. When I entered the practice of law nearly a quarter-century ago, we didn't have computers to do on-line legal research. If we had a legal problem, there was only one solution: hire a lawyer. And, if you are like I was 30 years ago, you don't have tens of thousands of dollars to pay some lawyer who may end up dropping the ball or screwing your life up because of his or her stupid incompetence, laziness, or fear of the judge. Back then, it was either pay through the nose ... or lose! That was before Jurisdictionary. If you already have my course, read on to see how you can be part of the solution for our nation's ill. If you don't already have my course, read the testimonials! ⇒ Our nation is threatened with a great calamity at this hour, and the cause may surprise you. Our very way of life is on trial. If "We the People" do not learn how to put ink on paper and take advantage of the power of our courts, we may soon be looking back at the "good old days" and wishing we'd done what we could while there was time to do it right. Meanwhile, instead of encouraging you to learn the rules of court and how to use them to Restore the Republic the "right way" (abiding by the principles of our democratic republic) the pseudo patriots are leading many of you down a path to certain destruction. They are so busy finding fault while teaching their idiotic ideas about how greedy people can escape justice by claiming nonsense defenses, that good people like you are confused about where to turn for the "right way" to get justice. We are a nation of laws! True patriots work with wisdom to control corrupt judges and legislators to change bad laws, instead of trying to find novel ways to get around the law for their own advantage. True patriots seek justice according to the rules! Today's pseudo patriots have lost their way. Don't let them turn you from the "right way" with their proclamations of doom or confuse you into trying to win in court by saying you are not WHO YOU ARE if your name is in all capital letters, or any of the similar nonsense they sell. We can turn this nation around if we work together! We can force judges to follow the rules. We can turn crooked lawyers out-on-their-ear! We can overcome even the most powerful opponent the "right way", peaceably, according to law and order - instead of being "outlaws" trying to wiggle out of our troubles with stupid tricks. If it weren't so easy to learn the official rules there'd be no hope for us. But, it IS EASY to learn the rules and how to use them to force people in powerful positions to do what's right! The pseudo patriots are so obsessed with the admittedly serious problems we face at this hour they do not see that the solution is already in our own hands: The Law! We can put the law to work the "right way", using the "official rules" that overcome corrupt judges and defeat crooked lawyers and make justice possible for anyone of average intelligence willing to make an effort to learn how the legal game is played to win! We must all stop staring at the darkness and lift the lamp of liberty and justice while there is yet time! Pseudo patriots find fault with America and her system of law and order, but that's all they do. The only answer pseudo patriots offer is to "spread the word", as if telling everyone what's wrong will magically make things right once again! It is madness! ![]() They say they are "patriots", but they don't tell you how to save your nation. They're too busy telling you what's wrong, who's at fault, and how ugly things will be when their terrible predictions come true. Their message is all negative! And, when they do offer their theories about what it takes to get justice, their theories are nothing short of lunacy!
The power to control corrupt government officials, crooked banks, and anyone else who violates the law contrary to our American Principles IS in the courts! This is YOUR POWER! Use it! Use if for yourselves and for the sake of your children and future generations ... while there is yet time! YOUR POWER IS IN THE COURTS! All you have to do is learn how to use the courts and urge EVERYONE you meet to learn how also! Together we can use the Rule of Law to protect the Rule of Law and deliver to future generations a nation that's far better than the one we received from this generation of greedy vipers and fools. Rather than joining pseudo patriots who proclaim, "The sky is falling," while urging you to "copyright your name" and offer similar nonsense solutions born out of fear and paranoia, you and your children can learn how to do what every American is called to do at this hour! Control the courts! Look back to recent history to see how previous patriots fought in the courts to make your life better, safer, richer. Look what you have today and what they had then. When my dad was a boy, children under the age of 10 were forced to work 12-15 hour days in sweat shops. If you didn't have milky-white skin, you sat in the back of the bus, drank from designated water coolers, and were lucky to make 10-cents an hour for your labor. Women could not vote. By far the vast majority could forget about owning a home in a nice part of town. Health care was available only for the wealthy. Medicine was an amateur profession, killing people more often than healing them. When I was a born in 1943, children with their mothers, fathers, and grandparents were herded into gas chambers to die. Millions of them. While true patriots gave their lives to stop the madness that always results when a nation loses sight of its soul. Is American losing sight of her soul? Some people reading this will say, "The courts are all corrupt. The global conspiracy intends to murder all who resist and enslave the rest of us. The only hope we have is armed rebellion." These people are NOT true patriots! True patriots work for The Rule of Law, fight for it, and are willing to die for it, because The Rule of Law is what this nation is all about and without it and the principles of due process that make The Rule of Law possible, the dreadful predictions of the pseudo-patriots will surely come to pass! But, there is hope ... if YOU are willing to learn! There is hope ... if YOU are willing to teach others! You can still be heard ... each and every one of you! You can still make a difference for good! Not by carrying signs in the street. Not by writing emails to warn your friends of the evils of the New World Order. And, certainly, not by dusting off your squirrel gun or arguing that your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS isn't you! You can ALL be Patriots ... and make a difference! This nation was designed by some very clever people who recognized that the executive and legislative branches must be constrained and kept in check by the third branch of our government - the courts! Courts are the lynch-pin of our legal heritage. Yet, the legal profession has hidden from you the very simple process called litigation that even at this hour offers the American People all the power we need to stop the madness of this present age! I believe in the American People. But, we should all fear what can happen if the American People listen to the pseudo patriots and decide it's too late to work within the law to change the law! If you want to identify the REAL PROBLEM we face in our nation today it is that the "legal profession" has hidden from The People (you and your loved ones) the simplicity that makes it possible for each and every one of you to petition your local courts for redress of your grievances. Because you don't know how easy it is to bring your petitions to court, to call witnesses, to present evidence, and to move judges to enter orders that can change your world for the better, you (and the rest of our population) are beginning to believe you cannot get justice without an impossibly expensive lawyer! This is a lie! As many of you have unpleasantly discovered, not all lawyers are willing to fight for your rights - if you don't have scads of money to pay them, or if standing up to the judges might jeopardize their social or financial standing in the community. In the past 30 years lawyers converted a "profession" into just another "business", shamelessly advertising, making a mockery of common law and common sense by twisting reason beyond recognition. They will not teach you how to win in court, because then you'd know how to get justice without paying $400+/hour! But! The RULES OF JUSTICE are easy to learn! YOU can learn them in less than 24 hours step-by-step! Imagine a nation of courtroom soldiers fighting to restore our American Heritage. Not a cadre of professional lawyers but a "legal militia" of farmers, merchants, truck drivers, single moms, young couples just getting started, doctors, teachers, carpenters ... all knowledgeable in the methods of litigation, able to force judges to hear their causes, skilled in courtroom tactics, getting evidence on the record, moving judges for favorable orders that restore the American Way and the age-old hope of generations! You and your children have a choice:
Anyone can complain about what's wrong. Complaining and finding fault isn't patriotism. It's far from it! True patriots work for Justice within the law ... instead of discouraging others by claiming, as so many pseudo patriots are heard to say these days, that all judges are orrupt, that justice in our courts is no longer possible. These people are NOT telling you the truth! Take this to heart, my friends. Justice IS IMPOSSIBLE for those who refuse to learn how to get it ... lawfully! If you care about our nation and your children, LEARN! If you want to be a true patriot and provide an example of true patriotism for your children, LEARN! An average 8th grader can learn it with my affordable 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary self-help course. You have no idea how easy it is to learn! Lawyers don't want you to know, and pseudo patriots are too lost in their blind rage to see the light of truth and lift the lamp of liberty for you and your children! When a few million of you know how easy it is to learn the rules of court and how simple it is to command judges to take notice and rule in your favor, your generation will turn the tide of international imperialism and restore our nation to honor with peace and prosperity under law! I've spent 25 years as a licensed attorney and tell you first-hand that you dare not trust the legal profession to stand against the on-rushing tide of imperial politics. The future of this nation and your children's welfare is in YOUR hands. Learn the rules! Stop listening to the doomsayers! They have nothing to offer but doom. Ignore them. They are not patriots! Only YOU can prevent legal corruption! Learn the rules and fight for Justice while you still can! Let Jurisdictionary show you how! Order now! Or, if you already have the Jurisdictionary course, forward this Tips & Tactics newsletter to friends! Let's pull together and use the power of our courts to control those who would use law against us! Dr. Frederick D. Graves Use this link to send an email to all your friends to tell them about Jurisdictionary!Take a few minutes and watch a video. Just click the judge to access the video. Essential tools and elements are explained in the video. Watch now by clicking the judge. Click the Judge and WATCH THE VIDEO. Every winnable case can be won before trial if you follow the Jurisdictionary method. ![]() Learn how to win the easy way! If you want to win, you must do what I teach in my Jurisdictionary course. Learn it all step-by-step in just 24-hours. Thousands have my course already in every State of the USA and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, England, Ireland, and Puerto Rico. If you don't already have my course, ORDER NOW! If you don't yet know what I teach, you cannot imagine how much fun it is to force people to do what's right by effectively using words and the official rules against them! Whether it's your opponent, some crooked highly-paid lawyer, or even a corrupt judge ... once you know what I teach, you are in control! ![]() That's how you win once you know what I teach in my popular step-by-step Jurisdictionary course. Read the testimonials! ⇒ It's affordable, too! The price will increase soon, but for now it's less than what you'd pay to chat with a lawyer for one brief hour ... still only $249 + $7.50 for Priority Mail. You get instant on-line access to the Video Seminar, Audio Classroom, and Complete Lawsuit Flowchart as soon as your order is placed. Scheduled price increase coming soon! For more, go to: NOW! ============================== My affordable 24-hour step-by-step course includes:
Save legal fees! Control judges! Defeat crooked lawyers! Ask anyone who has my course: "Jurisdictionary Works!"Read the testimonials! ⇒ Call Toll Free for details: 866-Law-Easy |
Read the testimonials! ⇒
But! Pro se people often do not get justice.
Let's examine a few facts:
- Most pro se people don't know the rules.
- Most pro se people don't know how to prevent the lawyer on the other side from playing tricks with the rules.
- Most pro se people make assumptions about what is "admissible evidence" and stuff that isn't.
- Most pro se people don't know how to draft their pleadings or motions properly.
- Most pro se people don't know why it's important to write proposed orders for the judge to sign.
- Most pro se people don't know why, when, or how to make effective objections in court.
- Most pro se people don't understand what facts are critical to winning a case and what facts are of no consequence but only muddy the waters with court-confusing insignificance.
- Most pro se people don't know why it's so vitally important to cite controlling appellate cases in support of their pre-trial and trial motions.
- Most pro se people don't know how to arrange for a written transcript to be made of all proceedings before the court, so they can control the judge.
- Most pro se people waste valuable court time with non-essentials, fail to appreciate the needs of others who have their own problems to bring before the court and, as a consequence, tend to make judges dread pro se cases.
Read the testimonials! ⇒
Not all judges are "against" pro se people "just because they are pro se". Most of the judges I knew in my 25 years were good people who cared about other people and did their best to guarantee justice according to the rules.
But! You must know how to protect yourself!
Pro se parties who know the rules and how to use them to protect themselves from courtroom corruption the way my Jurisdictionary step-by-step 24-hour course makes so easy-to-understand don't let crooked lawyers get away with their smoke-and-mirrors tricks!
The difference between winners and losers is the fact that winners know how to win and losers cry about it!
If you want to make it complicated and muddy the pond with all kinds of nutty arguments, you can do so, make the judge angry, and lose when your "evidence" isn't admitted because it isn't "admissible evidence", etcetera.
You can demand your Constitutional Rights, instead of learning about causes of action and their elements that win lawsuits, and you will lose.
You can refuse to learn the rules of evidence, the rules of procedure, and the tactics and strategies my course is so popular for making easy to learn, and you will lose!
If you want to win, get my affordable Jurisdictionary step-by-step 24-hour course now and master the case-winning strategies and tactics I used for 25 years as a case-winning lawyer in state and federal courts.
There is only ONE "Official Jurisdictionary" course!
If you're paying a lawyer, know what your lawyer should be doing to earn his fee and win your case.
If you don't have a lawyer, know what you must do to force the judge do what's right and prevent the lawyer on the other side from cheating.
It's that simple.
Read the testimonials! ⇒
In short, you'll learn how to save money, maximize your winning power, and resolve conflicts peacefully and profitably ... according to the rules!
______________________________ _
Once you master the simple concepts I teach, you'll be more powerful than most lawyers I met in 25 years as a licensed lawyer in state and federal courts as a licensed bar attorney!Many lawyers are afraid to upset judges, so they let things slide. They don't object. They don't "instruct" the judge on the law. They just lay back, take their hourly fee, and let their clients lose ... and those who pay lawyers yet don't know what Jurisdictionary teaches about winning are led to the slaughter by their own lawyer.
Sad, but true!
I know what it takes to win. I did this 25 years!
My Jurisdictionary will show you how in just 24-hours, step-by-step!
The Jurisdictionary Method wins lawsuits!
Watch my video and see for yourself how easy it is to use knowledge, stealth, and wisdom to win in court!
See what's important, what's not, and how to focus all your energy where it belongs: getting court orders!
If you gain from watching my video, please forward this newsletter to ALL YOUR FRIENDS by hitting "Forward" on your email program now.
Or use this link to send an email to all your friends. You probably know people who need to knock down judges and overcome crooked lawyers and their dishonest tricks. They will thank you for turning them on to this!
Or, do both! Forward this newsletter AND send emails to friends fighting in court who desperately need to know how to win!
Most lawyers never learn what Jurisdictionary makes so easy-to-learn. People have been telling me since I started Jurisdictionary in 1997 that, "Your course should be required in first year law school." But, of course, that's not likely to happen, because what Jurisdictionary shows you isn't politically correct! I teach you how to control judges, instead of bowing to them, I I teach you how to overcome crooked lawyers and their all-too-common sneaky tricks!
Political correctness prevents justice too often!
Winning lawsuits is a brutal axe fight!
Jurisdictionary is your axe!
Read the testimonials! ⇒
Thousands of people just like you are winning with my easy-to-learn 24-hour step-by-step course. Ask anyone who has my course. Everyone loves it!
If you don't know what my course teaches, you lose!
End of story!
Winners do what Jurisdictionary makes easy-to-learn and don't wait until trial to get justice!
Those who learn my affordable 24-hour step-by-step Jurisdictionary self-help course win ... no matter how high the odds are stacked against them!
Winners know how to win!
Losers believe internet fables. Losers get their legal education at the barbershop or on websites or expensive weekend seminars run by people who never practiced law, never went to law school, and don't know mud from sand about rules or how to use them to control judges.
Too many good folks believe mythological silver-bullet easy solutions to their legal problems and, as a result, are losing when they would be winning if they knew what I make so easy-to-learn in my Jurisdictionary course!
The internet is infested with hare-brained schemes that sound too good to be true ... and, like the old adage says, "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't."
Remember: The most dangerous falsehoods are ones we most want to believe!
Why not learn from a real lawyer with nearly 25 years of case-winning experience?
My course is not expensive!
People who finish my course say an average 8th grader can learn it all in a single weekend.
Read the testimonials! ⇒
If you have a lawyer, you will save thousands in legal fees by knowing what your lawyer should be doing, and at the same time you will maximize your chances for success by making certain your lawyer does what should be done, instead of taking you for a ride to the poorhouse - as happens to too many good people these days.
If you don't have a lawyer, you'll know how to stop the opponent's crooked tricks and control the judge!
To learn more, go to:
Click this link to watch VIDEO again.
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